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Writer's pictureRich Washburn

Chinese Scientists Report Using Quantum Computer to Hack Military-grade Encryption

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China Using Quantum Computer to Hack Military Encryption

In a development that sounds like something out of a sci-fi thriller, Chinese researchers have made significant strides in using quantum computing to crack military-grade encryption, according to a report from the South China Morning Post (SCMP). Using a D-Wave quantum computer, the team claims to have carried out the first effective quantum-based attack on widely-used encryption algorithms, sounding alarms in sectors like banking and defense. But before you run off to stuff cash under your mattress or send encrypted messages by carrier pigeon, let’s take a deep breath and dive into the details of what happened—and why it matters.

The research, led by Wang Chao of Shanghai University, marks a significant milestone in the realm of cybersecurity. For the first time, a quantum computer was able to breach SPN-structured encryption algorithms (Substitution-Permutation Networks), which are commonly used to safeguard sensitive data in areas like banking transactions and military communications. This type of encryption forms the backbone of Advanced Encryption Standards (AES), the gold standard for data protection.

Wang’s team specifically targeted the Present, Gift-64, and Rectangle algorithms—three well-known representatives of SPN structures. Although these algorithms aren’t quite as beefy as AES-256 (the military-grade encryption you're probably most familiar with), they are stepping stones to more complex cryptographic systems. The fact that a quantum computer can start cracking them is a significant red flag.

Quantum computing’s potential to breach encryption is something that cryptographers have feared for years, but it always felt like a distant threat, something in the “we’ll worry about this later” pile. Well, folks, “later” might just have arrived.

Quantum Annealing: The Key to the Crack?

The quantum computer in question, D-Wave’s Advantage, was initially designed for non-cryptographic tasks. D-Wave’s machines employ a method called quantum annealing, which mimics a process found in metallurgy. In classical terms, imagine heating metal and then cooling it slowly to make it stronger. Quantum annealing uses this analogy but applies it to math, allowing the computer to sift through complex problems by finding the lowest energy state—or the best solution—faster than traditional computers.

But here’s where things get really sci-fi. Quantum annealing enables a process known as “quantum tunneling.” Rather than climbing over barriers (as traditional algorithms do), quantum particles can tunnel through obstacles, allowing the computer to bypass certain computational hurdles. The upshot? Quantum computers can solve problems in minutes that would take classical computers centuries to crack.

Wang’s team took this approach a step further by combining quantum annealing with traditional mathematical algorithms, creating a hybrid approach to computational problem-solving. They essentially turned the encryption problem into a binary optimization task, which quantum computers are pretty darn good at.

A Substantial (but Early) Threat

While the headlines may scream “Quantum Computers Can Now Hack Your Bank,” the reality is a bit more nuanced. Yes, Wang’s team successfully breached some SPN-based encryption methods, but no specific passcodes were revealed during the process. In fact, the researchers admit that quantum computing still faces significant limitations. Environmental interference, underdeveloped hardware, and the inability to create a universal quantum attack for multiple encryption systems are all obstacles that currently limit the scope of this threat.

However, these limitations aren’t permanent. Quantum computing is in its infancy, and as it matures, the potential for more sophisticated cryptographic attacks increases. Think of it like the early days of hacking—what started as a niche skill for a few early adopters evolved into a global cybersecurity arms race. Today’s quantum breaches are baby steps, but they could lead to a quantum leap (pun intended) in the future.

Implications for the Future of Cybersecurity

This quantum breakthrough could represent the first crack in the dam of modern cryptography. AES-256, often considered impenetrable by today's standards, is at risk of becoming obsolete as quantum computing advances. But before we start carving AES-256’s tombstone, let’s keep in mind that cryptographers have been preparing for this. Post-quantum cryptography—new forms of encryption designed to withstand quantum attacks—is already in the works.

The challenge is that the quantum threat is moving from theoretical to practical faster than anticipated. If quantum computers can bypass classical encryption methods sooner than expected, sectors like banking, military, and healthcare need to scramble to implement new safeguards. 

Wang Chao’s team has proven that the quantum threat is real, but they’ve also exposed the weaknesses in quantum computing itself. We’re not yet at a stage where quantum computers can crack every encryption algorithm out there, but the writing is on the wall. The race is on between the advancement of quantum computing and the development of quantum-resistant encryption. The stakes? The security of nearly every digital system we rely on today.

The Quantum Arms Race is On

So, where does that leave us? The reality is, quantum computing is both the future and the present—its potential to disrupt encryption systems is no longer just a topic for cybersecurity conferences or academic papers. It’s happening now. 

Wang’s research highlights just how close we are to a world where quantum computers pose a genuine threat to encryption standards that we currently think of as unbreakable. For now, quantum computing’s cryptographic hacks are limited, but the future is coming fast. And it might just be time to start thinking about how to protect ourselves in a post-quantum world.

In the end, while we’re not quite living in a dystopian, code-breaking, digital apocalypse yet, it’s clear we’re at the dawn of a new era in cybersecurity. Whether that means your next password will need to be quantum-proof is still up for debate, but one thing’s for sure: the quantum arms race has begun, and it’s going to be one wild ride. Buckle up.


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